Saturday, May 3, 2008

Getting in shape with WiiFit

Just paid €100 for the new Wii Fit. Comes with the game and an exercise board. The board is connected wirelessly to the Wii console, and gives you a guided and monitored way to do exercises and get in shape. It's quite clever.

Now... why not just go to the gym and exercise? I've been paying for a health club membership that I don't use. I was playing tennis once or twice a week but between work and home demands I've hardly played in the last year. Membership expires in June I think, I won't be renewing it.

So... why not just go for walks, or shoot some hoops in the front yard? Probably should do that too, no doubt. Probably won't do much more than I do now though...

What I like about something like Wii Fit is that it is engaging... it makes exercise playful. It keeps track of your progress, allows you to set goals, challenges you to come back, gives you a hard time if you don't...

Nintendo had been written off for a while, they went through a rut with the Game Cube while Sony dominated with the Playstation, then Microsoft surprised most of us with the Xbox when they really gave Sony a run for their money. But between the Nintendo DS and now the Wii, Nintendo is kicking butt again.

Maybe I'm just a geek and get too excited about new technology... in this case, I hope I manage to get back in shape in the process :-)

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