Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Letter to Obama

I've been getting an increasing number of calls and emails soliciting money for the Obama reelection campaign. I've been declining and trying to tell them why, but have been getting the clear feeling they don't give a damn. Their only answer is: Barack is better than whoever will run against him. As if that was enough. So after receiving yet another email pleading for my support today, I sent the following response, which I'm sure will fall on deaf ears:

Mr. President,

When I was called asking to donate again (I gave multiple times to the first campaign), I told the phone agent that I needed you, the President, to give people like me a sign that you care about what we have to say. Instead of being so reactive to what Republicans are saying and doing, why don’t you start listening to the people whose support you’ve lost by ignoring us.

We care that you completely backtracked on your promise to close Guantanamo. We care that you have not used the power of your office to strongly endorse the science behind climate change and expose those who question it for self-serving motives. We care that you have become as much a warmonger as your predecessor was, making a mockery of the Nobel Peace Prize you received. We care that you’ve allowed Wikileaks to be vilified and its supporters harassed instead of using it as a wake-up call to restore integrity in US foreign affairs. We care that you’ve allowed Wall Street profiteers to walk away from the massive fraud they committed against the American people, even appointing some of them to your administration. We care that you’ve not committed to formally appointing Elizabeth Warren to protect the American consumer against financial highway robbery. And we definitely care that you so eagerly walked away from the Public Option, didn’t even give Single Payer a chance, and made backroom deals with Big Pharma.

Mr. President, you promised change in your first campaign. I understand you can’t do everything on your own and that the influence of money on Congress and the Supreme Court have made your job harder. Still, there is plenty you can do that you have not. I’d much rather have you be a one-term president with principles rather than yet another two-term Washington insider intent on preserving the status quo that is corroding this nation in so many ways.


Bruno Sarda

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