Thursday, November 26, 2009


Today is Thanksgiving Day in the US. Although we should feel gratitude and express thanks every day of the year, today we reflect more directly on that for which we are especially thankful.

As I pay attention to the world around me, I am thankful for the privileged life I lead and for my good fortunes. As I reflect on this past year and search within to find those things for which I am especially thankful beyond core pillars like health, family or financial stability, a few come to mind:

Thankful for unconditional love -- None of us is perfect, especially not me. I am thankful for the people in my life who accept and love me as I am. Am also thankful for all the selfless individuals who devote so much of themselves to improve the lives of others out of love and compassion. Peace and social justice have to start with love.

Thankful for inspiration and commitment -- I have always been somewhat of an idealist, but had gradually become somewhat of a cynic. As I look to the future, I have renewed inspiration to apply my abilities to contribute in more direct ways to improve the world around me, and renewed commitment to draw on this inspiration and follow through with action.

Thankful for comic relief -- Our lives can get heavy at times, and being able to find ways to laugh at ourselves and with each other certainly makes tough situations much easier to get through.

Thankful for music -- I've always found music to be a great way to accentuate or soothe my moods and emotions. Recently I've paid more attention not just to the music but to the lyrics of brilliant songwriters, true poets of their age, who are able through the sharing of their art to inspire the rest of us and help put words to feelings we would not always know how to express ourselves.

Thankful for the rain -- Our Irish friends may not appreciate this one as much :-) In Central Texas, where we've been in an extended drought, the rain we've experienced lately has been a blessing. There is something so cleansing, so unifying, about just standing or walking in the rain. Try it, you'll be surprised.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

"Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way" — Native American Prayer

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